Launch: EveryBlock Widget

Today I led the launch of a new feature on EveryBlock. Here’s a blog post I wrote on the subject: Introducing the EveryBlock Widget. Here’s a snip:

One of the best things we liked about developing this feature is the conversations we’ve had with bloggers, newspapers, and other news outlets to ask them what they’d like to see in a tool like this. For years now, we’ve been heads-down on the tasks of creating our infrastructure, obtaining content, and expanding to new cities.

Until today, we’ve had no official way to share content with other sites or to partner with news outlets in the cities we cover. If you’ve ever thought about partnering with EveryBlock, we’d love to hear from you. E-mail me directly at danx at everyblock or just call 773-321-8146. We’re specifically interested in how to make this widget better and encouraging adoption of it, but we’re wide open to all sorts of partnerships around news. We’d love to hear from you!



